Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Setia Ikhlas National Service Camp - Semenyih (June - September 2009)

the students enjoying games time!
toss the balloon around... quick quick before the person in the center catches it...

get rid of all the balloons.... throw it over to the opponents...

listen to nicholas as he explain what you should with the balloons in your hand

deep in discussion... what strategy to use to win the game?

25th June 2009, some of us went into the NS camp with excitement, can't wait to get to know the new students in this camp.
There were 60+ of them... around 80% from East Malaysia, so, BM will be our main language in communication & teaching. However, this time, there were some from Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and there were some Chinese students around. So, at times, we'll have to converse in Chinese, in BM and in English too. Quite a challenge for some of us. It's a good time to brush up on our languages!

Let's pray for these students - for good health and that they will know and experience the Lord!

1 comment:

HarryD said...

Miss this class...