Wednesday, April 25, 2007


FIRE.4.J will be having a MISSION EXPOSURE to the heart of Kuala Lumpur => Petaling Street!!!! on 26th May 2007 (Saturday).

I believe most of our youths lack the training or teaching to do evangelism... and some, with ample training in this area, lack the opportunity to go out to EVANGELISE!
Now, there's an opportunity to put what they've learnt into practice. Let's go out to the heart of Kuala Lumpur & spread the gospel!!!! Ready to take the challenge? Why wait? Register now, let's join hands with brothers & sisters from various churches, let's GO, GO, GO & win our city for Jesus!!!!!!!!!

Training will be provided and we'll then do street evangelism.

Registration is required (closing date on 15th May) as we will need to prepare training materials for the participants. A minimum fee of RM3 per person is required.

for more information, please do not hesitate to write to me or call me at 91309567 ;)

27.04.07 FIRE.4.J 经历神祷告会

相信目前各教会都很激励的推动祷告活动, 因为我们知道复兴要临到马来西亚了. 教会应当合一,同心祷告,进入属灵争战中把我们的土地夺回来. 我们要进入黑暗地盘, 把我们的青少年带到光明之地!

下星期五 (27/4), 11晚上 - 7早上, 我们将有 FIRE.4.J 经历神祷告会. 欢迎你们来参加!

我们需要为着我们的青少年守望祷告. 让我们的祷告摇动上帝的手!

如果你只能参与我们的祷告会至凌晨2.00, 没关系, 至少你也与我们同心祷告了3小时.
如果你不能通宵祷告, 没关系, 带你的 sleeping bag 来,累了就睡把
我们不要求每个人都一定要从11pm 祷告到 7am。这是一个很自由的时间 ;)


Tuesday, April 03, 2007

wat happened on 30th March....

hey... for those who came for the overnight prayer meeting... u muz be feeling surprised that u r able to stay up, praying & worshipping till the next morning... indeed, we do not rely on our own strength but on His strength ;)

we started the prayer meeting at around 11.30pm and ended at 6.30am... of course there are 2 hours break in between...

wat did we receive from the Lord on that night?
CHURCH... be UNITED... enter into spiritual warfare!!!!
YES, battle is at hand... go ahead, claim back our land & our people for the Lord! What the devil has taken away, let's get it back from him. Not juz wat he has taken, but he has to pay back double, triple... much much more... haha
Go ahead, mighty army of God! Meet the enemy head on!

Be salt & light, Shine like stars in your marketplace - schools, college, university, workplace...
Be a person of influence & bring people to the Lord!