Tuesday, September 26, 2006

upcoming big event!!!! MARK YR CALENDAR!

mark yr calendar: 16th December 2006 (Saturday)

time........ 3pm - 7pm

where..... tmn connaught Giant (CMC)

wat's happening?????? YOUTH DAY!!! there will be food & fun..... & wonderful creative arts presentation & music ^_^

we need to set up 10 games stalls... any ideas???? we want creative, good games :) do contact us


Thursday, September 14, 2006

TESTIMONIES!!!!!! 见证!!!!

For those who have taken part in any of the FIRE.4.J events... kindly share your testimony with us... hope that many will be blessed and encouraged!!!!!!!!

你曾参与我们的活动吗? 请与我们分享你的经历和所得着的,让更多人因你的见证得到鼓励。

God always answers prayer?????

When the idea is not right, God says "NO"
NO - when the idea is not the best
NO - when the idea is absolutely wrong
NO- when though it help you, it oculd create problems for someone else

When the time is not right, God says "SLOW"
What a catastrophe it would be if God answered every prayer at the snap of your fingers.
Do you know what would happen???????
God would become your servant, not your master.
Suddenly, God would be working for you instead of you working for God.

REMEMBER: God's delays are not God's denials. God's timing is perfect. Patience is what we need in prayer.

When you are not right, God says "GROW"
The selfish person has to grow in unselfishness.
The cautious person must grow courage.
The timid person must grow in confidence.
The dominating person must grow in sensitivity.
The critical person must grow in tolerance.
The negative person must grow in positive attitudes.
The pleasure-seeking person must grow in compassion for suffering people.

When everything is all right. God says "GO"
Then miracles happen:
A hopeless alcoholic is set free!
A drug addict finds release!
A doubter becomes as a child in his belief.
Diseased tissue responds to treatment, and healing begins.
The door to your dream suddenly swings open and there stands God saying "GO!"

~Dr. Robert Schuller~

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Fire for JEsus Youth Seminar with Lau Wing

I believed many are blessed through this seminar. We should come out of our 'old mindset'... this is a new Generation... reach them with new ways, new methods!!!!! NEW WINE IN NEW WINESKIN!!!

now's the time for hi-technology... use handphone, email..... no more telegram.... haha

be on the cutting edge to reach today's youth!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Dear all

POWERSTATION will be held every Monday from 7pm - 8pm. ALL ARE WELCOME!!!

Why are we having it every week??? Well, to get the fire burning!!!! To fan the fire!!!! Prayer is the answer to REVIVAL!


2006年 9月 29日 (星期五),10pm 在禧福训练学院

你曾经历上帝吗? 你想再次经历神吗?

你可以带睡袋或枕头来。。。 我们将随着神的带领祷告和敬拜。。。 一直到天亮。 别害怕,如果你已经很累了,你能先休息 :)